PXS bude s vami zdieľať to najzásadnejšie zo súčasného sveta: Fashion ako kultúrny kľúč. Ako imaginačný kľúč. Ako kľúč, ktorým vidíte budúcnosť. Ako kľúč, ktorý odhodíte… prepojenosť celého sveta, všetkých odvetvií, energií a informacií, prepojenosť nás všetkých, všetky klepy buzzy a hoaxy, ktore na nás pôsobia, všetky tie, ktoré tvoríme. Fashions, ktorými žijeme… životy, ktoré zdieľame… môžete očakávať brutálny trendsettingový flow SS17 X FW17 s globálnym prehľadom zo všetkych ‘industries’! >GO-TO QUESTIONS! NO ANSWERS! PERFORATIONS! DISRUPTIONS! SOCIOLOGIES! EPHEMERAL! FUCKING WORK OF ART! ILLUSIONS! OTHER DIMENSIONS! TRANSLUCID DEMONS! STYLISH BLOGGERS WHICH ARE SO POOR! DONT GIVE A SHIT! INFECTIONS! MUCH MORE MINDFUCKS! NEVER ENOUGH! FASHION IS BULLSHIT*** Posledný talk v rámci celodennej akcie Fashion Event Dotek 2017. Ω

More mistakes in our love for that. Put you headset dreamers. Put your pants and masks on and Pull It Off Into The Fucking New Paradise Message. Come here and take your question. The Aim Is to Escape * kisses * everything * xxx

PXS will be sharing such an impressive significant tank of tags to the current-whole-media society. Fashion as cultural-key. As imaginary-key. As the key-by which you see the future. As the key, which you throw away… Transconnections of the whole world, of all the industires, energies and informations, transconnections among all of us, all of buzz and hoaxes, which influence us, which we are making alive. Fashions, by which we live… Lives, which we share.. You will get brutal trendsetting flow SS17 X FW17 with global overview from all ‘industries’! >GO-TO QUESTIONS! NO ANSWERS! PERFORATIONS! DISRUPTIONS! SOCIOLOGIES! EPHEMERAL! FUCKING WORK OF ART! ILLUSIONS! OTHER DIMENSIONS! TRANSLUCID DEMONS! STYLISH BLOGGERS WHICH ARE SO POOR! DONT GIVE A SHIT! INFECTIONS! MUCH MORE MINDFUCKS! NEVER ENOUGH! FASHION IS BULLSHIT*** The Last Talk of all-daylong event Fashion Event Dotek 2017. Ω

More mistakes in our love for that. Put you headset dreamers. Put your pants and masks on and Pull It Off Into The Fucking New Paradise Message. Come here and take your question. The Aim Is to Escape * kisses * everything * xxx