Vernisáž výstavy v úterý 15. 10. 2019 v Galerii 207, Ateliér Intermediální konfrontace č. 207, UMPRUM, od 17:30-20:30


Prezentace autorů, komentovaná prohlídka a dernisáž výstavy v úterý 22. 10. 2019 v učebně č. 413, UMPRUM, od 16:10

Trvání výstavy od 16. do 22. 10. 2019


Sun you need the sea

to see how beautiful you are.


Maybe the selfreflection is your problem.

You just dont know if it’s sunrise or sunset,

finish or just a start.


The sun was well past the zenith.

New day just started.


The girl woke up.

She could not recognize if it’s sunrise or sunset.

The new day just started anyway.


What is time line and where it starts or ends? 

Or better what’s at the beggining and what is at the end? 

Is it the sun? 


The girl woke up.

Mild sand was everywhere and moves slowly around her.


The sun was well past the zenith.